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Introduction to composting

Compost is the grower's black gold and at the heart of all organic growing. This course will introduce you to the composting process and help you to create great compost - the organic way.


Suitable for beginners

Compost is the grower's black gold and at the heart of organic growing. It feeds the soil and gives it good structure. It also keeps plants healthy and nourished. It's easy to make, and it's free!

  • Home composting is the cheapest and the most environmentally friendly, sustainable way to manage your garden waste
  • It produces a nutrient rich soil enhancer for your garden which helps your plants grow better
  • There are no garden waste bins to remember to put out for collection and the more people who home compost, the fewer collection vehicles are required to collect garden waste and fewer lorry loads being transported to commercial composting sites reducing your carbon footprint.

This course will help you to create your own compost - the organic way.

Spreading compost as a mulch Course content example Course content example

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